Turmeric, also called Indian Saffron, is a well-known and well-loved spice used to give curry its distinct yellow color. Turmeric has been extensively studied for years and is determined to be highly beneficial not only for human health but also for our pets. Turmeric has Curcumin, …
Nowadays, our constant attachment to our phones is leaving our relationships stagnant and unchecked. If left that way, we might find ourselves losing our friends little by little. That includes our dogs. Being constantly on our phones may harm our relationship with our dogs. Dogs are …
Basics in properly bathing your pup Cleaning your puppy as soon as you get home will help them feel more comfortable in their new home. However, there are some important considerations to make in order to enjoy your puppy’s bath time. For instance, you need to …
Whether you’re giving your puppy his old favorite rawhide treats or the new classic ones, you’re on the right track. With so many benefits provided by these beautiful dog treats, you can help your dog stay healthy and alert. Rawhide chews and bones stimulate brain activity …
Most dogs dread bath time; whenever they hear “bath,” they recognize it quickly and hurry to find somewhere to hide. Grooming is essential for any dog, so bath time doesn’t have to be all about chasing and convincing your dog to succumb to it. But there are …
Kristofer Goldsmith and his wife had been wanting to adopt a dog. They wanted to have a small type of dog, like a dachshund. A small pup would be accessible as a traveling companion or an office buddy. One day, while on the way to work, …
In these times, where our Facebook timelines are flooded with negative juju, people who consistently bring good news are a blessing. Lil Nas X is one of those people. The singer, songwriter, and rapper make it a point to spread positive vibes wherever he goes. His …
Anubis is a black dog without a nose. People rescued him from the Animal Protection Foundation based in Egypt. He was discovered protecting property, and rescuers immediately noticed he was missing a nose. Although it was unclear how Anubis lost his nose, rescuers speculated that this …
This happened in Germany. A baby fox was left on his own after his mother was killed when she tried to get across a highway and got trapped in the middle of a car collision. His chances of survival were drastically reduced, but that day he …